Category: Caregiving

  • Constipation: Help, I’m stuck

    Constipation: Help, I’m stuck

    Fecal impaction is when a large amount of poop is stuck inside the rectum. The poop can be soft or hard. Chronic constipation is the most common cause of impaction. Constipation is due to 1) the inability to push stool out 2) the persistent habit of holding bowel movement inside or 3) small stools that…

  • Frailty – A Major Turning Point in Life

    Frailty – A Major Turning Point in Life

    “I recently went to my 50th reunion. A bunch of old people showed up. They looked like the grandparents of the people I knew in high school. It was freaky. The school athletes are now anything but athletes. They looked overweight and out of shape. Some even had problems walking.” Have you ever been to…

  • Will we all become frail as we age?

    Will we all become frail as we age?

    Almost half of the people born in 1940 are still alive today. They are over 80 years old. For people who were born in 1950 or later, more than 70% are expected to live past the age of 80. What will life be like for these people? Is 80 the new 70? Or will living…

  • What does “doing good” mean for a frail older person?

    What does “doing good” mean for a frail older person?

    Four decades ago, I finished my training in internal medicine. My first real life “job” was working at On Lok in San Francisco Chinatown. On Lok focuses on providing healthcare to frail older patients. There is an emphasis on home and community-based services. Daycare services and medical transport are included. On Lok was the original…

  • Doing Good: What matters to a frail older person?

    Doing Good: What matters to a frail older person?

    Susan has had a fulfilling life. As a woman, she made it in the world of architecture and became quite successful. She raised 3 children and had many friends. She enjoyed golf and swimming. But life took an unexpected turn at the age of 75. Even though she had few risk factors, she started having…

  • Respiratory Rate: What is Normal in Older Adults?

    Respiratory Rate: What is Normal in Older Adults?

    The four vital signs are taken at routine clinic visits. In previous posts, I’ve discussed blood pressure, heart rate and temperature. Respiratory rate is the 4th classic vital sign. Respiratory rate is the number of breaths that a person takes in a minute. The normal rate of breathing varies with age. Babies and children breath…